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Le 21 novembre 2003 à 12h26
Ecrit par Nao/Gilles


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I've decided to stop translating my news into English. Why ?

Messages : 1
> Farewell... - le 23 novembre 2003 à 20:09:20
Répondre Référence
No va a entender mucho de tu inglés (es de traductor en línea, supongo), así que aquí te hago un pequeño favor y arreglo un poco tu mensaje, así tal vez ya hayan hablando por MSN o algo.....

guerrerodivino said:

I am Spanish (from Spain) and can say that I am the administrator of one of the greatest Spanish-speaking forums of Saint Seiya in the web. When they gave me the Link to this article, I was surprised. You are right, it is certain that many people take the investigations/news of ofthers and claim it as their own. This is surely wrong, it is stealing.
In my forum there are many Latin Americans, but all follow the rules and one of them is that they have the obligation to put a Link to the website from where they took the information in order to avoid the robberies that you have mentioned in your article and thus they won't have problems with anybody.
Many of us have "lived/experienced" Saint Seiya just as you do, but we did not have the means, time nor sufficient contacts to do such work as you, that is the reason why such a rule exists in my forum and I again repeat that everyone, be they Latins, Americans, Spanish, Arabs, have the obligation to place a Link to the website from where they took the information.
I hope to be understood [NdT: Espero que ahora sí....]

- ---------

Now (this is the "translator" speaking/writing):

... in any case, it is good that Naoki punishes the Brazilians for their arrogance. Those that are honest and fair should always give the appropiate credit to your news, as you deserve, even if they have to make a minimal extra effort (in fact, that is what I myself do: I always say "according to Naoki's page,, etc." whenever I mention information taken from your webpage). Unfortunately, thieves will always be thieves, whether they are French, Japanese, Brazilian, or from anywhere else in the world. It is a sad reality, but they'll get what they deserve in the end. Good luck!

> Farewell... - guerrerodivino, le 22 novembre 2003 à 18:01:07
  • > Farewell... - Naoki, le 22 novembre 2003 à 18:22:08
    • > Farewell... - guerrerodivino, le 22 novembre 2003 à 18:33:58
      • > Farewell... - javier, le 23 novembre 2003 à 20:09:20